About us

We know our stuff when it comes to low temperatures
FRIGO is an owner-operated company specialised in the field of cold chain logistics. Since 1996, we have made a name for ourselves in Hamburg as an independent full service supplier in temperature-controlled logistics. What sets us apart is the high quality of our services, the speed, flexibility and customised support that we offer.As a service provider, we consider ourselves to be a proactive and reliable partner, who always looks for the best-possible solution for your goods with you.
We currently offer altogether 31.000 pallet spaces on 18.000 m2, of which 28.000 provide are available at minus 24 degrees Celsius, 2.500 at 0 degrees and another 500 can be individually cooled as required. Our 18 thermostated ramps guarantee the optimum maintenance of the cold chain. A large handling space allows uninterrupted customised labelling and preparation for dispatch in the cold atmosphere. Due to continued high demand for cooling capacity, we are currently setting up another ultramodern cold storage house, 4.500 m2 in size, which offers an additional 10.500 pallet spaces.
Our deep freeze facilities are located conveniently just off the A7 motorway, at the heart of the container terminal in Hamburg-Altenwerder.